Geriatrics, the study of old age, includes the physiology, pathology, diagnosis, and management of the diseases of older adults. The broader field of gerontology, or the study of the aging process, draws from the biologic, psychological, and sociologic sciences. Because hospitalized patients are being discharged to home “quicker and sicker” than ever before, nurses in all settings, including hospital, home care, rehabilitation, and outpatient settings, need to be knowledgeable about geriatric nursing principles and skilled in meeting the needs of elderly patients. Gerontologic or geriatric nursing is the field of nursing that specializes in the care of the elderly. The Standards and Scope of Gerontological Nursing Practice were originally developed in 1969 by the American Nurses Association; they were revised in 1976 and again in 1987. The nurse gerontologist can be either a specialist or a generalist offering comprehensive nursing care to older persons by combining the basic nursing p...