Nursing Care Plan for Impaired Verbal Communication
Impaired verbal communication is defined as decreased, delayed, or absent ability to receive, process, transmit, and use a system of symbols. Related to : Physiologic conditions Alteration of central nervous system Impaired neurologic development or dysfunction Disturbance in attachment/bonding with the parent/caregiver Characterized by : Language delay or total absence of language Immature grammatic structure; pronoun reversal; inability to name objects Stereotyped or repetitive use of language (echolalia, idiosyncratic words, inappropriate high-pitched squealing/giggling, repetitive phrases, sing-song speech quality) Lack of response to communication attempts by others Outcome : Communicate in words/gestures that are understood by others Interventions and Rationales Use one-on-one interactions to engage the client in nonverbal play. R/: The nurse enters the client’s world in a nonthreatening interaction to form a trusting relationship. Recognize subtle cues indicating the client is ...