Catheterization Technique and Management of Urinary Retention

Urinary retention is a urological emergency most common and can occur anytime and anywhere. Means that a doctor or nurse wherever he served, or will likely ever encounter this disorder. Therefore, the question must be able to detect the disorder and can then start handling it correctly. When urinary retention not handled properly, will result in complications that aggravate morbidity of patients concerned. Basically do not need special equipment or skills to detect and handle patients with urinary retention, anything that causes the disorder. Problems that are often encountered : Urinary retention was not detected because it is unthinkable abnormality, the patient did not complain or say that can still pee on a regular basis (paradoxical incontinence). Retention add to the suffering or causing harmful complications, even be permanent and this can happen because the doctor or nurse to handle the disorder without regard to the specified requirements, inexperienced or does not have the re...