Nursing Diagnosis Disturbed Sleep pattern
Nursing care Plans Disturbed Sleep pattern . NANDA Nursing Diagnosis Definition Disturbed Sleep pattern Time-limited disruption of sleep Disturbed Sleep pattern Characteristics: Prolonged awakenings, sleep maintenance insomnia, self-induced impairment of normal pattern, sleep onset more than 30 minutes, early morning insomnia, awakening earlier or later than desired, verbal complaints of difficulty falling asleep, verbal complaints of not feeling well-rested, increased proportion of Stage 1 sleep, dissatisfaction with sleep, less than age-normed total sleep time, three or more nighttime awakenings, decreased proportion of Stages 3 and 4 sleep, decreased ability to function Related Factors: Daytime activity pattern, Thinking about home, Body temperature, Temperament, Dietary, Childhood onset, Inadequate sleep hygiene, Sustained use of antisleep agents, Circadian asynchrony, Frequently changing sleep-wake schedule, Depression, Loneliness, Frequent travel across time zones, daylight/...