LBP Low Back Pain Nursing Diagnosis

The lower back is an intricate structure of interconnected and overlapping elements:
- Tendons and muscles and other soft tissues
- Highly sensitive nerves and nerve roots that travel from the lower back down into the legs and feet
- Small and complex joints
- Spinal discs with their gelatinous inner cores.
These lower back pain symptoms include any combination of the following:
- Difficulty moving that can be severe enough to prevent walking or standing
- Pain that does not radiate down leg or pain that also moves around to the groin, buttock or upper thigh, but rarely travels below the knee;
- Pain that tends to be achy and dull
- Muscle spasms, which can be severe
- Local soreness upon touch
Nursing Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
1. Acute pain associated with musculoskeletal problems.
2. Impaired physical mobility related to pain, muscle spasm, and reduced flexibility.
3. Deficient knowledge related to body mechanics techniques to protect the back.
4. Ineffective Role Performance related to impaired mobility and chronic pain.
5. Imbalanced Nutrition: more than body requirements related to obesity.
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