Nursing Diagnosis for Knowledge Deficit - NCP Impetigo

Nursing Interventions for Impetigo

Nursing Diagnosis of Knowledge Deficit - Nursing Care Plan for Impetigo 

Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge Deficit: the disease, prognosis and treatment needs.

Patients showed an understanding of disease processes and treatment procedures,

with the expected outcomes: the patient can explain the status of the disease, treatment, care understand that done.

Nursing Interventions ;

Teach About the Disease:
  • Determine the level of knowledge of patients and families related to disease processes.
  • Describe the pathophysiology of the disease and connect with the anatomy and physiology.
  • Describe the signs and symptoms of the disease.
  • Describe the disease process.
  • Identification of possible causes.
  • Provide information about the patient's condition.
  • Provide information about the diagnostic measures.
  • Describe the rationality of therapy / treatment given.
  • Describe complications.
  • Talk about lifestyle changes in patients who may be required.
  • Discuss treatment options.
  • Take time to explore a second opinion.
  • Instruct patients and families to recognize signs and symptoms to report.
  • Clarification of information provided by other health team prior to the information provided.

  • To facilitate the client and the appropriate use of health services.
  • Assist clients in understanding the information related to the occurrence of disease in particular.
  • Clients know what foods are recommended.
  • Clients understand the handling done / recommended.
  • Clients experiencing what activities to do.

Knowledge Deficit related to Tuberculosis


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