Nursing Interventions Risk for Social Isolation

Nursing Interventions Risk for Social Isolation

Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Social Isolation - Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Social Isolation

Risk factors may include, changes in health conditions, changes in physical appearance or sexual perception of social behavior is unacceptable, inadequate resources and or the fear of losing their personal resources.

Desired outcomes / evaluation criteria:
  • Identification of a stable support system.
  • Use of resources for appropriate help.
  • Reveal an increase in self-esteem.

Nursing Interventions Risk for Social Isolation:

1. Determine the client's response to the conditions, feelings about self, concerns or worries about the other person's response, his ability to control the situation, and a sense of hope.
Rational: How to receive individual and relate to the situation will help determine treatment plans and interventions.

2. Assess the coping mechanisms and methods of dealing with the problems of life previously.
Rational: Assessing reveals successful techniques that can be used in the current situation.

3. Discuss concerns about work and leisure involvement. Note the potential for problems involving finance, insurance, and housing.
Rationale: Clients with a potentially terminal disease, which carries a stigma, faced a big problem with the possibility of losing their jobs, health insurance, housing, and they become unable to care for themselves independently.

4. Identification of the availability and stability of family and community support systems.
Rational: This information is very important to help clients plan for future care.

5. Encourage honesty in the appropriate relationship.
Reason: As a rule, do not need to be told acquaintances about the client's health status. However, information should be shared with a close relationship such as SO, family, and sexual partners. Honesty can help identify the stable support.

6. Encourages contact with family and friends.
Rational: Many clients are afraid to say SO, family, and friends for fear of rejection, and some clients withdrew because of the tumultuous feelings. Contact promote a sense of support, concern, involvement, and understanding. Supporting a loved one when they learned of the diagnosis is useful and can provide long-term optimism.

7. Helping clients to solve the problem of isolation for short-term solutions, such as acts of infectious disease or immune system is threatened.
Rational: anticipatory planning can ease the sense of isolation and loneliness that can accompany this situation.

8. Help clients distinguish between isolation and loneliness or solitude, which may be by choice.
Rational: To provide an opportunity for clients to achieve the control he must make a decision about the choice to take care of themselves on this issue.

9. Alert to verbal cues and nonverbal, such as withdrawal, a statement of despair, and sense of loneliness. Determine the presence and level of risk for suicidal thoughts.
Rational: Indicators of despair and suicide may be present. When the signal is recognized, the clients are usually willing to express their thoughts and feeling of alienation and despair.

10. Identifying community resources, self-help groups, and drug rehabilitation program or termination, as shown. Reason: To provide an opportunity to resolve any problems that may contribute to a sense of loneliness and isolation, the risk of transmission, and guilt.


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