Nursing Interventions Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output in Hypertension

Nursing Interventions Hypertension

Nursing Interventions Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output in Hypertension

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output - Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension

Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output related to vasoconstriction

Expected outcomes are:
  • Clients participating in activities that lower blood pressure / load
  • cardiac work, maintaining blood pressure within an acceptable range of individuals, showing stable norms and cardiac frequency in the normal range.

Nursing Intervention:

1. Observation of blood pressure (the ratio of pressure to give an overview more complete, the involvement / field of vascular problems).

2. Note the presence, quality of the central and peripheral pulsation (throbbing carotid, jugular, radial and femoral probably observed / palpation.

3. Auscultation of heart and breath sounds tone. (S4 commonly heard in patients with severe hypertension due to atrial hypertrophy, the development of S3 showed ventricular hypertrophy and malfunction, the presence of crackles, wheezing may indicate the occurrence of pulmonary congestion secondary to
or chronic heart failure).

4. Observe skin color, moisture, temperature, and capillary refill time. (a pale, cold, moist skin and slow capillary refill time reflect decompensation / decrease in cardiac output).

5. Note the presence of fever, general / specific. (may indicate a failure heart, kidney or vascular damage).

6. Provide a comfortable, quiet, reduce the activity / fray environment, limit the number of visitors and length of stay. (helping to decrease sympathetic stimulation, increased relaxation).

7. Encourage relaxation techniques, imagination and distraction guide. (can stimuli that lead to lower stress, create a calming effect, that will lower blood pressure).

8. Collaboration with physicians in the delivery of anti-hypertensive therapy, deuritik. (lowers blood pressure).

Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output related to Hypertension

Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension in Pregnancy


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