Self Care Deficit Nursing Diagnosis for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Care Plan for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Diagnosis for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Self Care Deficit
related to:
  • Musculoskeletal damage; decreased strength, endurance, pain when moving, depression.

Can be evidenced by:
  • Inability to manage daily activities.

The expected outcomes / evaluation criteria, patients will:
  1. Carry out self-care activities at a level consistent with the ability of the individual.
  2. Demonstrate technical change / lifestyle to meet the needs of self-care.
  3. Identify sources of personal / community to meet the needs of self-care.

Nursing Intervention Self Care Deficit Nursing Diagnosis for Rheumatoid Arthritis:

1. Discuss the level of general functioning (0-4) before any onset / exacerbation of the disease and the potential changes that are now anticipated.
Rationale: May be able to resume public activities by performing the necessary adaptation to the current limitations.

2. Maintain mobility, pain control and exercise programs.
Rationale: Support independent physical / emotional.

3. Assess barriers to participation in self-care. Identify / plan for environmental modifications.
Rational: Preparing to improve the independence, which will increase self-esteem.

4. Collaboration: Consult with occupational therapist.
Rationale: Allows you to specify the tools to meet individual needs. Eg, install fasteners, use the tools wear shoes, hanging handle for a shower.

5. Collaboration: Set home health evaluation prior to discharge to the evaluation afterwards.
Rationale: Identify issues that may be encountered due to actual ability level.

6. Collaboration: set consult with other agencies, eg home care services, a nutritionist.
Rationale: It may take a variety of additional assistance for the preparation of the situation at home.


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