Nursing Care Plan for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is urine output unnoticed in sufficient quantity and frequency, resulting in health problems and or social. Variation of urinary incontinence include out just a few drops of urine, to a really great deal, and sometimes also accompanied by incontinence Alvi (with expenditure feces).

The etiology or cause of urinary incontinence is due to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. This is related to the anatomy and function of the urinary organs. The weakness of the pelvic floor muscles can be due to several causes including pregnancy is repetitive, error in straining. This can lead to such a person can not hold urine (beser). Urine incontinence can also occur due to excessive urine production due to various reasons. For example, metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, which should continue to be monitored. Another cause is excessive fluid intake can be alleviated by reducing fluid intake as caffeine is a diuretic.

Once we are aware of the meaning and causes of urinary incontinence, which is the review of Urinary Incontinence Medical Concepts, then to the next is our review of the terms of nursing, the Nursing Care Plan for Urinary Incontinence. As usual when we do nursing first step is to do a nursing assessment. And this is the assessment of care of patients with urinary incontinence.

Nursing Assessment for Urinary Incontinence

Assessment of urinary incontinence are we asking a patient about urinary incontinence when it began to appear and the things associated with symptoms of urinary incontinence:
  1. How many times incontinence occurs?
  2. Is there any redness, blisters, swelling in the perineal area?
  3. Is the client obese?
  4. Is the time between urine dripping urination, if there are how many?
  5. Is incontinence occurs at times that can be expected as during coughing, sneezing, laughing and lifting heavy objects?
  6. Is the client aware of or feel the urge to urinate before incontinence occurs?
  7. How long the client has difficulty in urinating / incontinence
  8. urine?
  9. Does the client feel bladder feels full?
  10. Is the client experiencing pain during urination?
  11. Is this problem getting worse?
  12. How do clients overcome incontinence?

Next is the assessment by conducting a physical examination physical examination inspection, palpation and percussion.

  1. Redness, irritation / blisters and swelling in the perineal area.
  2. A lump or tumor in the spinal cord.
  3. The presence of obesity or lack of exercise.

  1. Bladder distension or tenderness.
  2. Palpable lump spinal cord tumor area.

  1. Voice sounded dim in the bladder area.

Nursing Diagnosis for Urinary Incontinence

Nursing Diagnosis Urine Incontinence In Patients were as follows:
  1. Anxiety
  2. Disturbed Body Image
  3. Deficient Knowledge
  4. Activity intolerance
  5. Low Self-Esteem
  6. Impaired Skin Integrity

Action Plan / Interventions:
  1. Maintain cleanliness of the skin, the skin is dry, changing bed linen or clothing when wet.
  2. Encourage clients to bladder training exercises.
  3. Encourage fluid intake of 2-2.5 liters / day if there are no contraindications.
  4. Checks taken drugs. May be related to incontinence.
  5. Check the client's psychological.
  6. Encourage clients to perineal exercises or Kegel's exercises to help strengthen muscular control (if indicated). This exercise can be lying down, sitting or standing and Kegel's the way it is with: Contract the perineal muscles to stop the discharge of urine, the contraction was maintained for 5-10 seconds and then loosen or detach, repeat up to 10 times, 3-4 times / day.


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