Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Low Self-Esteem

Definition of Low Self-Esteem

Low Self-Esteem is a self-resisted as something precious and can not be responsible for their own lives.

Process of Low Self-Esteem

Self-concept is defined as all the thoughts, beliefs, and beliefs that make a person knows about themselves and affect relationships with others (Stuart & Sunden, 1995). The concept of self is not formed since birth but learned.

One component is the concept of self-esteem, self-esteem which is about the attainment of individual self-assessment by analyzing how far the behavior in accordance with the ideal self (Keliat, 1999). While low self esteem is rejected him as something of value and not responsible for her own life. If an individual often fails then tend to low self esteem. Low self esteem if the loss of love and appreciation of others. Self-esteem derived from self and others, the main aspect was accepted and received the award from someone else.

Low self esteem disorder described as feeling negative about themselves, including loss of self-confidence and self-esteem, feeling failed to reach the desire, self-criticism, reduced productivity, destructive directed at other people, feelings of inadequacy, irritable and withdrawn socially.

Factors affecting self-esteem include parental rejection, parental expectations are not realistic, repeated failures, have less personal responsibility, dependence on others and the ideal self is not realistic. While the originator stressors may result from internal and external sources such as :
  1. Trauma such as sexual abuse and psychological or witnessing events that threaten.
  2. Tensions related to the role or roles expected position in which the individual experiencing frustration.

Disorders of self-esteem or low self esteem can occur:
  1. Situational, which occurred a sudden trauma, for example, should the operation, accident, her husband divorced, dropping out of school, working breakup, etc.. In patients treated low self esteem can occur because of privacy that less attention: the indiscriminate physical examination, the installation of equipment that is not polite (catheter, perianal inspection checks etc..), Hope for the structure, shape and function of the body that is not achieved because in-patient / illness / disease, treatment of workers who do not appreciate.
  2. Chronic, that negative feelings toward themselves have lasted long.

Nursing Diagnosis

  1. Risk for social isolation: withdrawal related to low self esteem.
  2. Self-concept Disturbance: low self-esteem related to dysfunctional grieving.

Nursing Interventions

1. Clients can build a trusting relationship with caregivers
1.1. Construct a trusting relationship: therapeutic greetings, self-introduction, explain the purpose, creating a quiet environment, create a clear contract (time, place and topic of conversation).
1.2. Give the client a chance to express feelings.
1.3. Take time to listen to clients.
1.4. Tell the client that he is someone who is valuable and responsible and able to help themselves.

2. Clients can identify capabilities and positive aspects possessed.
2.1. Discuss capabilities and positive aspects of client owned.
2.2. Avoid giving a negative assessment of each meeting client, focusing on realistic compliment.
2.3. Clients can assess the capabilities and positive aspects possessed.

3. Clients can assess the capabilities that can be used.
3.1. Discuss with the client the ability to still be used.
3.2. Discuss also the ability to continue after returning home.

4. Clients can assign / plan activities appropriate capabilities.
4.1. Plan with client activity to do each day according to ability.
4.2. Increase activity according to the tolerance of the client's condition.
4.3. Give examples of how the implementation of activities that the client should do.

5. Clients can perform activities according to the conditions and capabilities
5.1. Give a chance to try activities that have been planned.
5.2. Give praise / reward for success.
5.3. Discuss the possibility of implementation at home.


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