Focus of Nursing Interventions in Accordance with The Type of Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Interventions in Accordance with The Type of Nursing Diagnosis

1. Actual Nursing Diagnosis:
  • Reduce or eliminate the factors that cause or are associated with the problem.
  • Improving well-being for the better.
  • Monitor the status.

2. Risk Nursing Diagnosis
  • Reduce or eliminate the risk factors.
  • Prevent the problem.
  • Monitor events.

3. Possible Nursing Diagnosis:
  • Collect additional data to confirm the diagnosis. Collaborative problem:
  • Monitor the status change.
  • Managing change in status with the provision of nursing and medical interventions.
  • Evaluating the response.
    • Nursing diagnosis can be solved or prevented by primary nursing intervention.
    • Collaborative problem solved with nursing and medical interventions.
For interventions nursing diagnoses, labels or related factors can use the diagnosis given to the client. Example: anxiety related to cancer diagnosis.

Nursing interventions, the client will:
Reduce anxiety: improved disclosure of feelings about cancer, cancer in the family dug experience, reduce improper concept.

Here is a complete example:

Nursing diagnosis: imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements related to the lack of appetite.
Goal: nutritional needs are met for three weeks.
Outcomes: the client will spend a given portion, an increase in weight.
Nursing Intervention: Encourage clients to choose the menu favored, recommended to eat small portions but frequently. Accompany clients to eat if necessary.


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