Impaired Physical Mobility - NCP for Cellulitis

Nursing Care Plan for Cellulitis

Cellulitis is an infection streptococcal, staphylococcal acute, of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is usually caused by bacterial invasion through a tear in the skin area, however this can occur without evidence of side entry and this usually occurs in the lower extremities. (Tucker, 1998: 633).

The aetiology is derived from the bacterium Streptococcus sp. Other negative anaerobic microorganisms such as Prevotella, Porphyromona, and Fusobacterium (Berini, et al, 1999). Odontogenic infections are generally a mixed infection of a variety of bacteria, both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria has a synergistic function. (Peterson, 2003).

According Mansjoer (2000: 82) the clinical manifestations of chronic cellulitis is damage to the skin venous and lymphatic systems at both extremities, skin disorders such as diffuse infiltrates subcutaneous, local erythema, pain quickly spread and infitratif to the underlying tissue, swelling, red and warm tenderness , suppuration and leukocytosis.

Nursing Diagnosis : Impaired Physical Mobility related to neuromuscular disorders, pain / discomfort, decreased strength and resistance.

Goal: The client is able to move to the purpose of free range of motion, increase control and / or muscle mass.

Expected outcomes:
  • The client expressed and demonstrated a desire to participate in the activity.
  • The client can maintain the position of the function, evidenced by the absence of contractures.
  • The client can maintain or improve the strength function ill and / or compensation of the body.
  • The client shows the techniques / behaviors enabling activity.


1. Maintain proper body position.
Rational: improving the functional position of the limb and prevent contractures.

2. Note the circulation, movement and sensation in the fingers often.
Rational: edema can affect circulation in the extremities, which is the potential for tissue necrosis.

3. Perform rehabilitation at the reception.
Rational: it will be easier to make participation if the patient is aware of healing.

4. Perform range of motion exercises consistently, starting with passive then active.
Rational: prevent progressively tighten the abdominal tissue and contraction, increasing the maintenance function of muscle / joints and decrease the loss of calcium from bone.

5. Give the medicine before the activity / exercise.
Rational: reducing muscle stiffness and tension enables the patient to be more active and help participation.

6. Schedule of treatment and care activities to provide uninterrupted rest period.
Rational: improving strength and tolerance of the patient to the activity.

7. Instruct and assist in mobility, for example sticks, walkers, as appropriate.
Rational: improve security ambulation.

8. Encourage the patient's participation in all activities corresponding individual abilities.
Rational: enabling families / people closest to active in patient care and provide more therapeutic constant / consistent

9. Clean and close the wound quickly.
Rational: early excision is known to lower the risk of scarring and infection, so it helps healing.


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