Nursing Assessment for Schizophrenia

Nursing Assessment for Schizophrenia

Symptomatology (Subjective and Objective Data) in clients with schizophrenia, delusions and disorders associated with psychosis obtained (Townsend, 1998; 148):

Is a situation which focuses on the inner (inner side). Someone may have created his own world. Words and certain events may have special meaning for the psychosis, the meaning of a symbolic nature that only understood by the individual.

Emotional ambivalence
The power of emotions, love, hate and fear produced many conflicts in a person. Every time there is a tendency to compensate for other people to emotional neutralization occurs and consequently the individual will experience a sense of apathy or indifference.

Affect is not appropriate
Affect flat, blunt and often not appropriate (eg patient laughed when told of the death of a parent).

Losing associative
This term describes the profound disorganization of thought and verbal language of the people who psychosis. Mind very quickly, accompanied by moves the idea of a statement to the following statement.

People who psychosis often repeated the words he was hearing.

People who psychosis often repeated movements of other people who saw (Echolalia and Echopraxia is the result of someone's ego boundaries are very weak).

People who psychosis often repeat words heard.

Mind concrete
Psychosis people have difficulty to think abstractly and literally interpret only those aspects that exist in their environment.

Association echo / clang
Psychosis people use words rhyming with a pattern that deviates from the actual provisions.

Irregular words
People who psychosis would use the words together at random and irregular with no logical connection.

This term describes any sensory perception which may include one of the five senses. Auditory hallucinations and the most common vision, hallucinations of smell, touch, and taste may also occur.

An ego defense mechanism used by the most fundamental someone psychosis. Behavior such as children and the techniques were deemed safe for him to use. Appropriate social behavior can be seen clearly.

People psychosis becomes filled with religious ideas, thoughts defense mechanism used in an attempt to stabilize and provide structure for the mind and behavior disorganization.

This term indicates the existence of ideas or beliefs are wrong. The types of delusions include:
  • Greatness: A person having an exaggerated sense of the importance or power.
  • Suspicious: A person feels threatened and believe that others intend to harm or suspect himself. All events in the surrounding environment is believed to refer to / related to him.
  • Controls: A person believes that a particular object or person control his behavior.


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