Fatigue Definition

Fatigue Fatigue is a condition with signs of reduced capacity of a person, for work and reduced efficiency of accomplishment, and this is usually accompanied by a feeling tired and weak. Fatigue can be acute and come on suddenly or chronic and persist. According to other sources of fatigue is a condition of the human body naturally feel tired, which usually happens after physical exercise or mental harm. Fatigue can be acute and come on suddenly or chronic and persist. Usually after a long exercise, surely people will feel tired, because of all the moving limbs, limbs will be ill and do not want to continue the exercise. However, this fatigue will soon be replaced with good health and well-being. Just like a mix between fatigue and the sense of satisfaction that people feel after working hard in the office or study, this is a healthy and natural fatigue. Fatigue at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy is also a natural thing, the reason is the increase in the activity of the hormo...