Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Dehydration
Nursing Diagnosis for Dehydration
- Fluid volume deficit related to excessive output, less intake.
- Risk for ineffective tissue perfusion related to decreased blood flow.
- Risk for impaired skin integrity related to decreased skin turgor.
- Activity intolerance related to physical weakness.
- Risk for Decreased cardiac output related to a decrease in systemic vascular resistance.
Nursing Care Plan for Dehydration
Nursing Interventions for Dehydration
1. Fluid volume deficit related to excessive output, less intake.
Goal: adequate fluid volume so that fluid volume deficiency can be overcome.
Expected outcomes:
- Maintain fluid balance.
- Vital signs (pulse = 80-100 beats / min, temperature = 36-37oC)
- Capillary refill less than 3 seconds.
- Akral warm.
- Urine output: 1-2 cc / kg body weight / hour.
- Monitor vital signs, capillary refill, the status of the mucous membranes.
- Discuss strategies to stop vomiting and use of laxatives / diuretics.
- Identification of a plan to increase the optimal fluid balance.
- Assess the results of the test function electrolyte / kidney.
- Give / supervise administration of IV fluids.
- Additional potassium, oral or N as indicated.
2. Risk for ineffective tissue perfusion related to decreased blood flow.
Goal: Maintain / improve tissue perfusion.
Expected outcomes:
- Vital signs are stable BP = 120/80 mmHg, pulse = 80-100 beats / min, no pale skin.
- Warm skin.
- Palpable peripheral pulses.
- Adequate urine output from 0.5 to 1.5 cc / kg / body weight.
- CRT is less than 2 seconds.
- Composmentis consciousness.
- No chest pain.
- Assess changes in the level of consciousness, dizziness complaints.
- Auscultation apical pulse, watch heart rate / rhythm.
- Assess the skin against the cold, pale, sweating.
- Record output and urine specific gravity.
- Observation pale skin, redness, change positions frequently.
- Keep an eye on pulse oximetry.
- Give IV fluids as indicated.
3. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to decreased skin turgor.
Goal: Identify and maintain the skin smooth, supple, intact.
Expected outcomes:
- Good skin turgor, skin intact, no blisters, no redness.
- Observation reddish, pale.
- Use skin cream.
- Discuss the importance of changes in position, it is necessary to maintain the activity.
- Emphasize the importance of nutrient input / adequate fluid.
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