10 Clinical Signs and Symptoms That Occur in Patients with Bronchitis

Clinical signs and symptoms that occur in patients with bronchitis depends on the extent and severity of the disease, disorder location, and whether there is a further complication. Characteristics of the disease is the presence of chronic cough with sputum production, there hemoptoe and recurrent pneumonia. Clinical signs and symptoms can be so severe in severe disease, and can not be real or no symptoms in mild disease (Irma Somantri, 2012).

1. Cough

Cough in bronchitis is characterized, among others; chronic productive cough and a similar frequency as in chronic bronchitis, sputum amount varies, generally numerous, especially in the morning after sleeping position changes or wake up from sleep. If there is no secondary infection, sputum mucoid, while in case of secondary infection, purulent sputum, may give bad odor. In case of secondary infection by anaerobic bacteria, will cause extremely smelling sputum, in severe cases already, for example in the saccular type of bronchitis, sputum amount aplenty, puruen.

2. Hemoptoe

Hemoptoe occurs in 50% of cases of bronchitis, this disorder occurs due to bronchial mucosal necrosis or destruction of the blood vessels (rupture) and bleeding arise. Bleeding arising ranging from the lightest (streaks of blood) until bleeding quite a lot of (massive) ie when necrosis of the mucosa very severe or occur necrosis of the arterial branch broncialis (region derived from the systemic blood circulation).

On dry bronchitis, hemoptoe precisely the symptoms only, because this type of bronchitis is located in upper lobe, good drainage, sputum never accumulate and cause less reflex cough, patients without cough, or cough minimal. On pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis (secondary) this is a major cause of complications hemoptoe.

3. Shortness of breath (dyspnea)

In the majority of patients (50% of cases) were found to shortness of breath. Arise and severity of breathlessness depends on how the extent of chronic bronchitis that occurs and how far the incidence of lung collapse and destruction of lung tissue that occurs as a result of recurrent infection (ARI), which usually leads to pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema that causes shortness of breath. Sometimes found too wheezing sound, due to bronchial obstruction. Wheezing can be local or dispersed depending on the distribution of disorder.

4. Recurrent fever

Bronchitis is a chronic disease, often experience recurrent infection of the bronchi and the lungs, often resulting in fever, recurrent fever.

5. Physical abnormalities

Common signs are found include cyanosis, finger body, clinical manifestations of complications of bronchitis. In severe cases and more can be found signs of chronic cor pulmonale or right heart failure. Found wet Ronchi clearly in the lower lobe of the affected lung and the situation is settled over time or wet ronci missing after patients have postural drainage or raised again at another time. If parts of the lung was attacked vast and great damage, can cause the following disorders: the case retraction of the chest wall and chest movements reduced the affected area and can be a shift of the mediastinum to the affected lung. In case of complications of pneumonia will be found physical abnormalities in accordance with pneumonia. Wheezing often discovered what happens when a bronchial obstruction.

6. Bronchitis

This disorder is a classification of lymph nodes are usually the primary complex sequelae of primary pulmonary tuberculosis. This disorder is not a clinical sign of bronchitis, these disorders often cause erosion bronchial nearby and can get into the bronchi causing blockages and infections, bronchitis happened next.

7. Laboratory abnormalities

In the state of existing and start-up of pulmonary insufficiency can be found secondary polycythemia. When the disease is mild normal blood picture. Often found anemia, which showed the presence of chronic infection, or leukocytosis was found that showed the presence of suppurative infections. Urine is generally normal unless there are complications of amyloidosis be found proteinuria. Examination of sputum culture and sensitivity test to antibiotics, should be done if there is suspicion of secondary infection.

8. Radiologic abnormalities

Photo illustration chest (plain film) showed the presence of typical small cysts with fluid level, much like the picture of a wasp nest on the affected area, also found patches of pneumonia, fibrosis or collapse. Picture will be clear on bronchograms bronchitis.

9. Pulmonary function abnormalities

In advanced disease and diffuse, vital capacity (KV) and expiratory air flow rate of the first second (FEV1), there is a tendency to decline, due to the obstruction of breathing air utility line. Blood gas changes can occur in the form of a decrease in PaO 2 shows the regional abnormality (or diffuse) distribution of ventilation, the effect on lung perfusion.

10. The level of severity of the disease

a. Mild bronchitis
Clinical characteristics: cough and sputum green color only occurs after a fever, there mild hemoptoe, the patient looked healthy and lung function norm, normal chest film.

b. Moderate bonchitis
Clinical characteristics: a productive cough occur at any time, sputum arise at any time, (usually green and sparse mucoid, and the pungent smell of the mouth), there hemoptoe, most patients still appears healthy and normal lung function. On examination of the lungs is often the discovery of Ronchi wet rough on the affected area of the lung, chest photo picture still looks normal.

c. Severe bronchitis
Clinical characteristics: a productive cough with sputum many, colored dirty and smelly. Often the discovery of pneumonia with pleural hemoptoe and pain. If there is obstruction of the airway will be found for dyspnea, cyanosis or signs of pulmonary failure. Generally, patients have a poor general condition, often found on the skin pyogenic infections, eye infections, the patient easily arise pneumonia, septicemia, abscesses metastasis, amyloidosis.


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