7 Effective Ways to Overcome Stuttering

Stuttering is a speech disorder, with an indication of bottlenecks pronunciation of words or series of sentences. This disorder can be bereft of ideas to get the words, the repetition of a few syllables, difficulty wheezes on certain letters, to the inability to get the word altogether.

Stuttering usually associated with confidence issues and easily nervous. If a patient stutters faced with a situation or a person who made him nervous, then the reaction in the body that often happens is that tensions are visible when talking accompanied by facial movements, movement of the feet, hands, and so forth.

Causes of Stuttering

Stuttering can be caused by physical or psychological factors. Physical cause that is likely to come from heredity that causes physical imperfections such as disorders of the nervous speech, impaired speech synthesizers, the limitations of the tongue. Psychological causes that tension that comes from a person's reaction to the environment, mental stress because of something that was felt to be done.

According to the study, stuttering is mainly caused by psychological factors than physiological. Trauma, fear, anxiety, and sadness in childhood can cause people to stutter into adulthood. For example, children whose parents often quarrel, so as to make a child afraid, anxious, sad, and often wept. How to talk stutter when crying can be a "habit" to adulthood.

Here are 16 Effective Ways to Overcome Stuttering

1. Relaxation

Not only mentally, but physically also need to be relaxed. This therapy is to relax mentally and physically. If people can not relax, stuttering will occur. But if the stuttering can be more relaxed, to speak would be more easily and smoothly, with a habit of relaxing, of course fluency in speech will be obtained.

2. Do breathing exercises

Respiratory need to be trained, so as not to slip in speaking. Doing this breathing exercise will help breathing becomes normal and can breathe long. A relaxed breathing will help to speak more fluently. Due to the condition of calm and do not rush. Even by doing breathing exercises, when spoken in a long time, will not be gasping at the time of speaking. Of course it is very necessary for those who stutter. Because stuttering takes a long time in speaking and tranquility in speaking.

3. Know the cause

To cure all diseases, necessarily have to know the cause. By knowing the cause will be easier to overcome stuttering. Stuttering can be solved by doing articulation continuously to be able to remember and easy to pronounce.

4. Slowly in speaking

At the time of the conversation, do it slowly, talking too fast can make a quick mind in thinking. Unlike the case with the slow of speech, by talking slowly means allowing the brain to form words on the brain. Thus it would be fluent in speaking. By way of even this can eliminate the stress of speaking.

5. Do it in a good frame of mind

Before speaking should try to remain optimistic, do not feel pessimistic because pessimism may create difficulties in learning. Even pessimists will actually make depression in people who stutter. Doing framework in thinking will help the stuttering more confident in speaking, so that, after a long time will be easier to talk. Doing things regularly will produce a good anyway. Therefore, not only do once but should be done several times. It could even be done speak for themselves or make a speech in front of a mirror to train in speaking fluently.

6. Positive Thinking

By always positive thinking will make more mentally strong and courageous. Positive thinking often helps us when in difficulty, including the difficulty in speaking. Positive thinking is a thing that is quite important, with positive thinking everyone will get used to be kind to others.

7. Compose words

Before talking familiarize trained to weave words in advance, so that in the pronunciation is not wrong, so it will allay fears and stuttering.


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