Family Nursing Diagnosis - Nursing Care Plan for Tuberculosis

Nursing Diagnosis that may arise in families with tuberculosis disease are:

a. Nutrition less than body requirements related to anorexia
b. Risk for Infection related to the secret is out
c. Ineffective airway clearance related to the accumulation of excessive secretions.
d. Disruption of gas exchange related to the decreased oxygen supply

In formulating nursing diagnoses in the family need to be a priority issue and a matter of priority criteria.

Priority issues

Things that need to be considered in the priority issues are as follows:
a. Not possible, the problems of health and nursing are found in the family can be addressed simultaneously.
b. Need to consider the problems that can threaten the lives of families like the problem of disease.
c. Need to consider the response and attention to family nursing care to be provided.
d. Family involvement in solving problems they face.
e. Family resources that can support problem solving health / family nursing.
f. Family and cultural knowledge.

Criteria for priority problems

Some of the criteria in priority setting problems:
1. Nature of the problem, are grouped into: health threats, is ill or unwell and crisis situations.

2. Possible problems can be changed, is the likelihood of success to reduce the problem or prevent a problem when it's done nursing and medical interventions.
Factors that may affect the problem of TB can be changed are:
a. Knowledge and action for the problem of tuberculosis.
b. Family resources, such as finance, personnel, facilities and infrastructure.
c. Care resources, including the knowledge and skills in handling the problem of tuberculosis.
d. Community resources, can be in the form of facilities, organization.

3. Potential problems of tuberculosis, to prevent, is the nature and severity of problems that will arise and TB can be reduced or prevented through nursing and health measures.
Things that need to be considered in view of the potential problem of prevention of tuberculosis are:
a. Severity / difficulty of the problem, this is related to severity of disease or tuberculosis that showed the prognosis and severity of tuberculosis suffered by family members.
b. Action has been and is being run, is an act to prevent and treat tuberculosis in order to improve the health status of the family.
c. The duration of the problem, severity of problems associated with tuberculosis in the family and the potential problems to be prevented.
d. The existence of high-risk groups within the family or a group of highly sensitive adds to the potential to prevent problems.

4. Prominence of the tuberculosis problem, is how families see and assess the tuberculosis problem in terms of severity and urgency to be addressed through nursing and medical interventions.

Nursing Care Plan for Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis Nursing Care Plan includes general and specific objectives based on problems that come with the criteria and standards that refer to the cause. Furthermore formulate action-oriented nursing criteria and standards.

There are several levels of objectives in the planning of nursing according to Friedman (1998: 64). Short-term goals that are measurable, immediate and specific. And long-term goal which is the final level of the broad purposes stated expected by nurses and families to be reached.

The purpose of nursing care in a family with tuberculosis:

A. Short term goals include:
Once the information is given to the families of tuberculosis, the family is able to recognize the problem of tuberculosis, is able to take decisions and be able to care for family members suffering from tuberculosis.

Evaluation criteria:
a. Verbal response, the family is able to mention the understanding, the signs and symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention of transmission of tuberculosis.
b. Effective response, the family able to care for family members suffering from tuberculosis.
c. Psychomotor response, the family is able to modify the environment for people with tuberculosis.

Evaluation standards:
Definition, signs and symptoms, causes, prevention of tuberculosis, prevention of transmission and ways of treatment of tuberculosis.

2. Long-term goals
Problem of TB in the family can be resolved / reduced after nursing actions.

Intervention phase begins with the completion of treatment planning. Like the opinion of Friedman (1998: 67). During the implementation of nursing interventions, new data is continuously flowing into. Because this information (the response from the client, the situation changes, etc.) were collected, nurses need to be quite flexible and can adapt to review the family situation by making modifications to the plan without a plan. In choosing nursing actions depending on the nature of the problem and the resources available for solving.

Nursing Interventions - TB Nursing Care Plan are as follows:

1. Instruct patient to cough / sneeze and remove the tissue and avoid spitting in any place.
2. Urge families to provide nutritious food.
3. Weight control periodically
4. Encourage the patient to eat little but often with a high-carbohydrate diet and high protein.
5. Encourage the patient to take medication regularly.

Implementation - Nursing Care Plan for Tuberculosis

Implementation of nursing actions on the family, based on the nursing plan has been prepared.
Things that need to be considered in the implementation of nursing actions against families with tuberculosis are:

a. Family of resources (financial)
Resources (financial) that are expected to adequately support the healing process to family members suffering from tuberculosis

b. Levels of family education
Family education level may affect the family in identifying problems kemampuam tuberculosis and making decisions about appropriate actions against family members suffering from tuberculosis.

c. Customs applicable
Customs prevailing effect on the ability of families in caring for family members suffering from tuberculosis

d. Response and acceptance of family
Response and acceptance of family is very influential in healing as families are able to provide motivation.

e. Facilities and infrastructure that exist in the family
In the presence of both facilities and infrastructure that will allow families to the family in providing care and treatment to family members suffering from tuberculosis.


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