Nursing Interventions for Hypothyroidism - Disturbed Sensory Perception

Nursing Interventions for Hypothyroidism - Disturbed Sensory Perception

Disturbed Sensory Perception (visual) based interference as a result of the transmission of sensory impulses ophtalmopathy.

Purpose: that patients do not experience decreased visual acuity worse and there is no trauma / injury to the eye.

Nursing Intervention:
1. Instruct the patient when sleeping with the head elevated position.
2. Moisten the eye with sterile borwater.
3. If there is photophobia, instruct the patient to use sunglasses rayben.
4. If the patient can not close eyes tightly while sleeping, use non-allergenic plaster.
5. Give steroid medications according to the program. In severe cases, doctors usually prescribe medications such as steroids to reduce edema and diuretics.


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