
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2013

Nursing Care Plan for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is urine output unnoticed in sufficient quantity and frequency, resulting in health problems and or social. Variation of urinary incontinence include out just a few drops of urine, to a really great deal, and sometimes also accompanied by incontinence Alvi (with expenditure feces). The etiology or cause of urinary incontinence is due to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. This is related to the anatomy and function of the urinary organs. The weakness of the pelvic floor muscles can be due to several causes including pregnancy is repetitive, error in straining. This can lead to such a person can not hold urine (beser). Urine incontinence can also occur due to excessive urine production due to various reasons. For example, metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, which should continue to be monitored. Another cause is excessive fluid intake can be alleviated by reducing fluid intake as caffeine is a diuretic. Once we are aware of the meaning and causes of ur...

Dyslipidemia, Kwashiorkor and Marasmus

Dyslipidemia Dyslipidemia is a health disorder due to abnormalities in blood fat. In dyslipidemia, levels of bad fats, namely: LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglyceride levels increased. In contrast the levels of good fats that HDL cholesterol has decreased. HDL cholesterol is called good fats because this type of role runoff transports cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, and brought back to the heart. In other words, HDL cholesterol prevent atherosclerosis so that no coronary heart disease. Dyslipidemia may occur due to factors of high fat intake, and the presence of heredity / family history, alcohol, estrogen hormones, and drugs. In women, the age when menopause would increase the risk of dyslipidemia higher. Total fat intake associated with obesity (excess weight). Control of primary dyslipidemia using nonpharmacologic measures, namely: dietary modification, physical exercise, and weight management. All three should be done simultaneously to obtain optimal r...

Nursing Care Plan for Conginetal Talipes Equinus Varus

Conginetal Talipes Equinus Varus (CTEV) is a congenital defect that is a combination of abnormalities consisting of: Front legs (fore foot) adduction and supination through the midtarsal joints. Heel varus, through the subtalar joint and selalui joint equinus foot (ankle). Medial deviation to the entire foot, seen from the knee joint. Etiology of Conginetal Talipes Equinus Varus The exact cause is unknown. There are several theories: Genetic factors are sometimes obtained familiar (wyne davis). Mechanical factors (denis brown). Cessation of fetal growth (borm). Dysplasia of the muscles, causing imbalance (imbalance) muscle (Garceau). Primary abnormality os talus: Kaput and neck strap tapers towards deviase to medial and plantar of the corpus rope (adam, sotile, Irani and Sherman). MC Kay added the calcaneus to the medial rotation of the subtalar. Assessment a. Data Collection Identity: name, age, address, occupation, date of admission to the hospital, medical diagnostics. b. Main comp...