Dyslipidemia, Kwashiorkor and Marasmus


Dyslipidemia is a health disorder due to abnormalities in blood fat. In dyslipidemia, levels of bad fats, namely: LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglyceride levels increased. In contrast the levels of good fats that HDL cholesterol has decreased.

HDL cholesterol is called good fats because this type of role runoff transports cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, and brought back to the heart. In other words, HDL cholesterol prevent atherosclerosis so that no coronary heart disease.

Dyslipidemia may occur due to factors of high fat intake, and the presence of heredity / family history, alcohol, estrogen hormones, and drugs.

In women, the age when menopause would increase the risk of dyslipidemia higher.

Total fat intake associated with obesity (excess weight).

Control of primary dyslipidemia using nonpharmacologic measures, namely: dietary modification, physical exercise, and weight management.

All three should be done simultaneously to obtain optimal results.


Kwashiorkor is a disorder that is caused by protein deficiency.

Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency is accompanied by deficiency of other nutrients commonly found in infants weaned future, and preschoolers.

In addition to the negative influence of socio-economic factors that contribute to cultural events in general malnutrition, negative nitrogen balance can be caused by chronic diarrhea, malabsorption of protein, loss of protein through the urine (nephrotic syndrome), chronic infections, burns, heart disease.

Kwashiorkor-type appearance, like a fat kid (suger baby), when the diet contains enough energy in addition to a lack of protein, although other parts of the body, especially in the butt visible atrophy. Looks very thin and or edema in both legs back until the whole body
Changes in mental status: whiny, cranky, sometimes apathetic.
Thin reddish hair like corn silk color and easily removed, the disease is advanced kwashiorkor can look dull head of hair.
Rounded and swollen face.
Child's eyes glazed.
Enlarged liver, enlarged liver can easily be palpated and feel rubbery on palpation slippery surfaces and sharp edges.
Skin disorders such as pink spots are widespread and turned into a dark brown and flaky.


Marasmus is a form of protein-calorie malnutrition is mainly due to the severe calorie deficiency and chronic mainly occurred during the first year of life and care of subcutaneous fat and muscle.

Is a nutritional disorder due to deficiency of carbohydrates. Symptoms such as parents face (wrinkled), no visible fat and muscle under the skin (visible bones under the skin), brittle hair and redness, skin disorders, digestive disorders (frequent diarrhea), enlargement of the liver and so on. Children often seem fussy and cried a lot though after eating, because they still feel hungry.

Here are the symptoms of marasmus are:
Children looked very thin due to the loss of most of the fat and muscles, and bones wrapped in skin.
Face as parents.
Xylophone ribs and concave stomach.
Thigh muscle relaxes (baggy pant).
Whiny and cranky, after a meal still felt hungry children.


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